Outlaw Practice provides a simple, one-click process for granting or removing access to the client portal.
Granting Access
Start by going to the Contacts page.
You will see a list of contacts with icons annotating their status. On the right, you will see a green portal icon with a "+" in it, indicating that the contact is eligible to have a portal account.
Only contacts with an associated Lead or Case (indicated by icons on the left) can have access to the portal
Only contacts with a valid email (an email that is marked primary and can be contacted) can be granted access to the client portal. If you have a client with a compromised email, it is best practice to get them set up with a new email account that they have sole access to. Gmail provides this service for free. When that account has been set up, put that email in the contact's Contact Methods, and mark it as Can Contact and Is Primary
Let's start by choosing a contact for which we would like to grant client portal privileges, and clicking the Grant Portal Access icon. Wait for the status message indicating that the client portal has been provisioned.
A successful provisioning will send two emails to the client:
The first email will be from Outlaw Practice Server, which is sent from an authentication service that holds the username and password (Outlaw Practice does not store your login information: it is stored using an authentication service). The email will have the title "Verify your email". Inside will be a link to click to verify that the email is valid. The client should click on this link first.
The second email will be from Outlaw Practice Support, with the title "[Your Firm Name] Portal login info". This email provides a link to the client portal, as well as the email and password to log in. You do not have access to the login information, but the client can change the password at any time by using the Reset My Password button on the login screen (they can do this before ever logging in).
Clicking on the link to in the email will take them to Outlaw Practice. They will click on the Log In button and enter the email and password from the email.
This will log them in as a client portal user, not a regular Outlaw Practice User. Once logged in, the client will see a user interface with 3 or more tabs, one for their profile (Your Profile), one green tab for each Lead that has not converted to a case, and one orange tab for each Case.
Your Profile. This contains full name fields, Contacts Methods (address, email and phone), Events (upcoming court dates & other important dates), and Identification (driver's license, passport, military ID, etc.). If there are any Intake questions associated with Contacts, a tab with the related questions will be visible as well. This is normally not the case. Everything is updatable by the client.
Lead(s). There will be one green tab per lead, with the lead name in the tab. For each Lead there will be a Notes and Attachments section, where the client can view their files or drag and drop new files to upload. These will appear in the Lead on the attorney's side immediately after upload. There is also an Intake tab, which will display any questions related to the Lead's case type(s).
Case(s). There will be one orange tab for each Case in which the contact is a named client. Each Case will have three tabs: Notes and Attachments works just like in Lead(s), as does Intake (although the questions may be different). There will also be a Transactions tab where the client can look at their account history (move Account/Trust slider to Account), which includes all payments, withdrawals and invoices. There is also a complete trust history (move Account/Trust slider to Trust).
Note that updates from the Client Portal to your view of Outlaw Practice are immediate and 2-way. If you add a document to case, it will appear in the client portal as soon as it is uploaded.
Removing Access
Removing access is also a one-step process. Simply find the contact, and click on the red portal icon with an X in the middle next to the contact (see below). This will remove the user's credentials from the portal. It will not delete any data in the system.