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User Guide

In-depth articles on how to use the major features of Outlaw Practice

79 articles
Cases: NameWhat do I put in case name?
Cases: Case TypeWhat do I put under case type?
Cases: Client NameWhat do I put under client names?
Cases: Max FundingWhat do I put under max funding?
Cases: Starting BilledWhat do I put under starting billed?
Cases: CourtWhat do I put under court?
Cases: CodeWhat do I put under code?
Cases: DispositionWhat do I select under disposition?
Cases: Fee Type(s)What do I put under type(s)?
Cases: LeadWhat do I put under lead?
Cases: Minimum TrustWhat do I put under minimum trust?
Cases: Starting CollectedWhat do I put under starting collected?
User Guide - Case - Case NumbersWhat do I put under case #
Cases: Time EntriesWhat do I put under time entries?
Cases: TransactionsWhat do I put under transactions?
Cases: PaymentsWhat do I put under payments?
Cases: ParticipantsWhat do I put under participants?
Cases: IntakeWhat do I put under intake?
Cases: Deadlines and EventsWhat do I put under deadlines and events?
Private DiscussionWhat do I put for private discussion?
Tasks: Billable Labor RateWhat do I put for labor rate?
Tasks: Billable Labor TimeWhat do I put for labor time?
Tasks: Billable Travel TimeWhat do I put for travel time
Tasks: Total CostWhat do I put for total cost?
Sales: Client NamesWhat do I put under client names?
Sales: Case TypesWhat do I put under case types?
Sales: Short NamesWhat do I put under short names?
Sales: Estimated Closewhat do I put under estimated close?
Sales: Initial Close DateWhat do I put under initial close date
Sales: Retainer RequestedWhat do I put under retainer requested
Sales: Referred ByWhat do I put under referred by?
Sales: CampaignsWhat do I put under campaigns?
Sales: Estimated ValueWhat do I put under estimated value?
Sales: Who is PayingWhat do I put under who is paying?
Sales: Retainer ReceivedWhat do I put under retainer received?
Marketing: CostsWhat do costs mean?
Marketing: KPIsWhat are KPIs?
Marketing: ROIWhat does ROI mean?
Marketing: Labor CostsWhat do I put under labor costs?
Financials: Work in ProgressWhat do I put under work in progress?
Financials: InvoicesWhat do I put under invoices?
Financials: Invoice BatchesWhat do I put under invoice batches?
Analytics: Recovery RatesWhat do recovery rates mean?
Navigating SettingsLearn how to navigate and interact with the settings menu in Outlaw Practice
User Guide - Working with a CaseLearn how to navigate and interact with the cases section of Outlaw Practice
User Guide - Sales - Working with a LeadLearn how to navigate and interact with the sales section of Outlaw Practice
Navigating MarketingLearn how to navigate and enter information in the marketing section of Outlaw Practice
Navigating FinancialsLearn how to navigate and interact with the financials section of Outlaw Practice
Navigating TasksLearn how to navigate and interact with the tasks section of Outlaw Practice